Hogy van?
Hogy nézek ki?
Nem valami jól.
Annál is rosszabbul vagyok.
Az élet szürke vagy csak fekete fehér
Megdöglesz vagy közdesz és talpra állsz
Képzeletben karod az égig is felér
De az álom elvész mire rátalálsz
A szavakat a múltat elfújja a szél
Sötét lepel borítja mindazt ami fáj
Másoknak mosoly színes boldogság beszél
Titkon mégis pár emlék visszajár
A világ elhomályosul és kihal a tér
A sírkövön egy szomorú felirat áll
Felszakad egy régi seb és ömlik a vér
"Mire elértem a célom meghaltam"már
A remény utolsó szikrája is elhal
A vágy hatalmas lángja is halványabban ég
A szem tükrében látszólag a boldogság lüktet
De az élet mégis szürke vagy csak fekete fehér
A new high, an old high
A high for you and me
Remembering the laughter of times long since forgotten
The times that used to be, you and me
The Devil and his Father
Both are finally free
There's a picture on the wall
It's a picture of a girl
At one point in time, she may have been pretty
Maybe she has the potential to be pretty
But right now, in the picture she's not
Her shoulders are hunched from the burden she bears
Her eyes are strained, lost to pain
Her cheeks are stained with hot angry tears
Her body, broken, is not strong enough to fight the addiction
So she surrenders to it
It hides her fight
It it lifts her burden
Yet another look at the picture
And you see the toll the addiction has taken on her
It's her eyes
Her eyes are the thing
They go unfocused
She's not there anymore
The dark circles are prominent
But in this state, she doesn't care
For the moment, she's free
Lost in the drug, floating inside her own head
And when the drug wears off, she's knows what she's done
She knows it was wrong
Yet she can't stop
She longs to get out of her head, to float, to be free
So she'll take the drug again
And as you look at the addicted girl in the picture
You realize it's not a picture at all
It's a mirror
Drinking, and popping.
Smoking weed and never stopping.
One thing thats always there,
is this feeling you won't share.
I try and forget you.
I try and regret you.
I quit being sober,
and when i came down I still didn't know what to do.
I try and hide my problems,
but this heart ache keeps getting worse.
How many girls have you laid down this fucking curse?
I'm fucking in love,
I'm fucking insane.
Remember that time we kissed in the rain?
How can't you feel it anymore?
Why can't I be the one you adore?
I still love you baby,
I want you to be there.
I act like I don't need you
But really I'm scared...
I can't help but feel desprate.
I waited long enough.
Wow, love is fucking tough.
But maybe I don't need you,
Your smile is so fake.
And your face looks like you got hit with a rake.
You never laugh,
You can't have fun.
You spoil the moment for everyone.
You don't care for no one,
Nothing to you means shit.
You forget everything that you regret.
So I'm one of them.
Just a memory in fade.
And then you go wonder why i smoke so much weed.
I just fucking lied.
I always do.
I love your smile,
And your laughs so true.
Your so fucking sexy,
I love how you look.
When I'm with you,
I feel like I'm lost in a book.
You make me feel great,
You make me high on life.
But one day you didn't want me,
Because I cut myself with a knife.
So now theres my altenative,
Smoking weed and popping pills.
Its the closest thing I have to feeling that real.
(Take Me in Your Arms)
So now, little man, you've grown tired of grass L.S.D., goofballs, cocaine and hash, and someone, pretending to be a true friend, said, "I'll introduce you to Miss Heroin."
Well honey, before you start fooling with me, just let me inform you of how it will be.
For I will seduce you and make you my slave, I've sent men much stronger than you to their graves. You think you could never become a disgrace, and end up addicted to Poppyseed waste.
So you'll start inhaling me one afternoon, You'll take me into your arms very soon. And once I've entered deep down in your veins, The craving will nearly drive you insane.
You'll swindle your mother and just for a buck You'll turn into something vile and corrupt. You'll mug and you'll steal for my narcotic charm, and feel contentment when I'm in your arms.
The day, when you realize the monster you've grown, you'll solemnly swear to leave me alone.
If you think you've got that mystical knack, then sweetie, just try getting me off your back.
The vomit, the cramps, your gut tied in knots The jangling nerves screaming for one more shot. The hot chills and cold sweats, withdrawl pains, can only be saved by my little white grains.
There's no other way, and there's no need to look, for deep down inside you know you are hooked.
You'll desperately run to the pushers and then, you'll welcome me back to your arms once again.
And you will return (just as I foretold)! I know that you'll give me your body and soul.
You'll give up your morals, your conscience, your heart
And you will be mine until,
"Death Do Us Part"
beneath the noise, below the din
i hear your voice it’s whispering
in science and in medicine
i was a stranger you took me in