It was the day that he turned on the kids
That she knew she just had to leave him
So many voices inside of her head
Saying over and over and over,
"You deserve much more than this."

She was so sick of believing the lies and trying to hide
Covering the cuts and bruises (cuts and bruises)
So tired of defending her life, she could have died
Fighting for the lives of her children

Oh mother, we're stronger
From all of the tears you have shed (all of the tears you have shed)
Oh mother, don't look back
Cause he'll never hurt us again (he'll never hurt us again)

So mother, I thank you (thank you)
For all that you've done and still do (still do)
You got me, I got you, (yeah you got me and I got you)
Together we always pull through.
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother

All of your life you have spent
burying hurt and regret
But mama, he'll never touch us again

For everytime he tried to bring you down
Just remember who stood around
It's over, and we're stronger
And we'll never have to go back again

úgy terveztem, hogy ma legkésőbb fél11kor ágyban leszek..
holnap nulladik plusz még hét óra plusz muszáJ[!] befejezni a festést..
csütörtök reggelre kész kell hogy legyen.. szóval negyed nyolctól négyig[minimum..] suli.
szupppeeer. iggen. ezaz. mindig is erre vágytam.
anya ma nem dolgozott. próbálta intézni az ügyeinket.
aztán hazajött és megint elment..
kiment keresztapáékhoz.. 
direkt mondtam hogy siessen.. még mindig nem ért haza..
fél12. pontosan.
de egy rossz szót nem mondok rá. és nem is fogok.

we are only two.
i must be with you 'til i can. 
why am i nervous? im not nervous.
i have an uneasy feeling.
i just fear for you.
what the hell do u think?
you are the ONLY ONE i have.
ok ok i got sisters i got a dad i got an aunt.
but.. one of my sisters is in london.
the other is another story..
i dont want to meet my dad anymore.
he is not my dad. he is just a person whom i've called daddy..
but everything changes. and people are not exceptions.
here is my aunt. i really love her, but.. mom..
think about it.. who could supplant you?
can anyone supplant someone's mother?
that person, who've beared him/her? who've brought him/her up?
you could say i'm just thinking of myself, but i dont think so..
please, dont do this..
i know it's hard.. but we had a dream.
and i want it to come true.
i know you want it, too.
so come on mother.. i promise everything will be ok again.
i promise. but mom..
i need you.
i really need your support..
supporting each other.
im going to london a month or two later..
and i'll be back. i'll bring the chance of a better life.
we'll do it. 
we'll stay the course.
but i need you.
it takes so much out of me and of you, too ; so we both have to be strong.

csak ennyi a dolog.
negyed egy van és én még mindig nem alszok.
nem is figyeltem hogy jól írom-e, amit írok...
de mindegy. aki tud angolul az így is úgy is meg fogja érteni.
bocs a hibákért, de most ez érdekel a legkevésbé..
és megint én leszek a hibás.. kimás.(:

we always pull through.!!

Szerző: Piromanó  2010.04.28. 00:18 komment

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