I don't care about the things you've done
How many of your wives are gone
How many whores you fucked
or if any bastard has your blood
I know much more than you think I do
and still don't understand why I apologized you..

you broke my fucking childhood off
I had to raise up myself
Only I tried to clean up
the dirt of your back
I was the only one standig up for you
instead of my interest
I hope you know I was messin with my future
not your fucking bread

they said you have only moments
there was almost no chance
we visited you for all that bad
and you started again to breath

I just cannot imagine what you think about yourself
we always kept on trying to save your drunken ass
You can't even imagine what we had to see
how dismal was that man in his own pee
I'm trying to get over, but it's not that easy
those pictures burnt into my brain to keep me
in a cell of your fucking jail of family

Now, you don't even pick out your own daughter,
do you?
Or you just don't have enough brave to say hello,
do you?
You can't choose from the two bad,
can you?
But didn't do anything to your family,
did you?

You're innocent, you're the victim.
We fucked up your life, yes we did it
We live our lives like we have no sins
No, your behavior, your hypocrisy is so disgusting


Szerző: Piromanó  2012.04.05. 00:07 komment

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